
Please contact the Rectory to schedule a baptism.
A baptismal preparation class is required if this is the first child in the family.
Baptisms are typically celebrated after Sunday Mass, but may be celebrated at a mutually acceptable time or during Sunday Mass.
In the Diocese of Belleville, this is typically celebrated in eighth grade.
Preparation is a two year process, typically arranged through Notre Dame Academy or the Parish School of Religion. Please contact these for more information

Please contact the Rectory to begin the process.
In the Diocese of Belleville, the following are required:
6 months advance notice is strongly encouraged
Meetings with a member of the pastoral staff for interview and guidance
PREPARE on-line premarital inventory
Pre-Cana Day or equivalent (Engaged Encounter, Couple to Couple)
Marriage Ceremony must take place in the Church.
Sunday 8:30 am and 10:30 am
Monday, Tuesday, & Friday at 8:30 am

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
(Formerly knows as RCIA)
This is the process for anyone desiring to join the church either as an un-baptized person or coming from another Christian tradition. Currently operates on a September-May time schedule, meeting on Thursday evenings.
Please call the Rectory for more information
Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the Rectory.

Available every Thursday from 6:10 - 6:30 pm.
Please contact the Parish Office to set up an appointment if a different time is desired.